Providing Educational Support to Students & Educators Since 2019
What is Decolonizing Education
At the HUB, we define decolonizing education as transforming approaches to address colonial patterns, reimagining futures that are plural, inclusive, global, and connected to lands. We champion decolonial pedagogy as global education, amplifying the voices of Indigenous communities, the African Diaspora, and the Global South.

The Syllabus
We aim to transform syllabi by diversifying eurocentric traditions—incorporating lands, new grading systems, marginalized scholarship, and student leadership into the curriculum.

Student - Faculty Relationship
We highlight the power dynamic between faculty and students, fostering collaboration and cultural sensitivity. We encourage faculty to reflect on their biases and students to value their inherent knowledge as an asset to the learning process.

The Learning Environment
To create a safer classroom space, we draw from Indigenous and African values—promoting non-hierarchical seating, active listening, self-directed participation, storytelling, and culturally-rooted learning.

Our Global Network
At the HUB, we take pride in our extensive global presence through our network of over 400 members, international site visits, event participation, and the worldwide downloads of our curriculum guides. The interest in educational reform is unmistakable. Sign up for our mailing list to stay informed!