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African American woman with raised fist participating in black civil rights demonstrations

Anti-Racism Pedagogy Project

The Anti-Racism Pedagogy Project is a video library that showcases pre-recorded talks by local community activists, students and educators in Montreal and Canada and transforms them into anti-racism educational resources for the classroom.

Combatting racism in education

The Anti-Racist Pedagogy Video Library is a platform designed to help deepen understanding of anti-racist frameworks, strategies, and practices. We are committed to helping educators and administrators adopt educational practices with an intersectional lens that improve students' lives, help educators integrate self-reflection and accountability practices, create safe classrooms, and develop engaging syllabi rooted in the oral histories of those most impacted by racism.


Our resources are designed for use in the classroom and beyond to support everyone as we work on challenging and dismantling systemic racism and oppression.

Video Library

Each video is accompanied with related resources and actionable steps. See the description and open the video in YouTube to access the url links and the video transcript. 

Afrofuturism as a Bridge Beyond - With Quentin Vercetty Lindsey

Afrofuturism as a Bridge Beyond - With Quentin Vercetty Lindsey

(Anti-Black racism) - Quentin Vercetty Lindsey is a master's student in Art Education at Concordia University. Vercetty Lindsey explores public art and how we can reimagine public space to be an “afrotopia” or a safe space for Black people to exist and be represented in the landscape. He introduces the concept of “sancophonology,” which is about exploring the past through an African lens and using that understanding to build a better future. Taking action Learn the history of the land you settle: from Indigenous records to Mathew Dacosta. Explore work on Black and Indigenous futures. Think of yourself as an ancestor — someone accountable to those who will come after you and those who came before you. Resources Coronavirus Crisis and Afrofuturism: A Way to Envidion What's Possible Despit Injustice and Hardships How Africa Developed Europe: Deconstructing the His-story of Africa, Excavating Untold Truth and What Ought to Be Done and Kn • Anderson, R. (2016). Afrofuturism 2.0 & The Black speculative arts movement: Notes on a manifesto. Obsidian, 42(1/2), 228-236. • Crenshaw, K. W. (2017). On intersectionality: Essential writings. The New Press. • Ellis, J., Martinek, J. D., & Donaldson, S. (2018). Understanding the Past, Imagining the Future: Teaching Speculative Fiction and Afrofuturism. Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy, 28(1), 111-122. • Maynard, R. (2018). Reading Black Resistance through Afrofuturism: Notes on post-Apocalyptic Blackness and Black Rebel Cyborgs in Canada. TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 29-47. How Afrofuturism Can Help the World Mend
The Intersectional Realities of Being a Black Woman in Anti-Ableist Work with Chelsea Osei

The Intersectional Realities of Being a Black Woman in Anti-Ableist Work with Chelsea Osei

(Disability Justice, Anti-Black racism, Institutional change) - Chelsea Osei is an instructor at the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders at McGill University and a speech-language pathologist at Summit School. Osei also identifies as a non-disabled, cis-queer Black woman and a first-generation Canadian of Ghanaian descent. In this video, she discusses how to apply an intersectional framework to disability studies to circumvent the added constraints disabled peoples face to mobility and health care when they are racialized, gender nonbinary or otherwise marginalized. To overcome the oppressive consequences of ableism, she urges educators to think about scenarios specific to their profession and add an intersectional framework. She stresses that this is not a “check-box” solution but an ongoing journey to shift the narrative around racialized disabled people’s experiences. Taking action Apply an intersectional framework to your pedagogy to become aware of the ableist notions within your field. Understand that anti-oppressive work is not a check box but an ongoing journey to shift the narrative. Understand how power imbalances impact service delivery. Resources • Black Madness:: Mad Blackness by Theri Alyce Pickens • Blackness and Disability: Critical Examinations and Cultural Interventions edited by Christopher Bell • The problem with the phrase women and minorities: intersectionality-an important theoretical framework for public health by Lisa Bowleg
A Pedagogy in Flux - With Alan Wong

A Pedagogy in Flux - With Alan Wong

(Queering the academy) - Alan Wong teaches English Composition and Literature at Vanier College and is an activist in Montreal at the intersection of anti-racist work and LGBTQ+ activism. In this video, Alan discusses how his identity as a queer Asian man has informed his anti-racism work. According to Alan, COVID-19 has illuminated the isolation and lack of representation of BIPOC educators, especially within his department where he is one of six educators of colour. Taking action In dealing with micro-aggressions, opt for dialogue rather than attacking to reduce your emotional labour and be cognizant of the different places people find themselves in this work. Know your battles and your mental capacities (does not account for openly racist people). Approach social change as something that is doable for yourself — it does not need to be at a macro-level. Instead, bring social change to a level that you are comfortable with; all efforts count (express concerns in letters or over emails, promote events on social media, etc). For administrators and institutions: listen to People of Colour, create policies to make institutional environments less toxic, improve representation in hiring processes, create a top-down commitment for social change. Resources • The Radical Copy Editor (Alex Kapitan) • Full Circle: First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Ways of Knowing (Ontarion Secondary Schools Teachers Federation) • I Was Forced to Fight, Now I'm Learning to Cry: Black boys have to bury their emotions as they face off against racism and chase machismo (Wilbert L. Cooper) • My Gender Is Black: A Speech from the 2017 Montreal Trans March (Kyng, a.k.a. Lucas Charlie Rose) • I'm an Arab trans woman and a Canadian immigrant – but I don't technically exist in either of my countries (Anon)

Thank you and Acknowledgements

This project was made possible with the generous support of sponsors, in-kind supporters and collaborators. A big thank you to Dr. Kimberley Manning for her visionary and supervisory role at the onset of this project! And special thanks to the video participants for making this project possible. Various centres, departments and groups at Concordia University provide funding: Black Studies at Concordia, the Centre for Teaching and Learning, the Department of Communication Studies, the Department of English, the Faculty of Arts and Science, the Department of Geography, Planning and Environment, the Office of Community Engagement, the Department of Religions and Cultures, the School of Graduate Studies, the Simone de Beauvoir Institute, the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and the SHIFT Centre for Social Transformation. In-kind support is provided by: the Feminist Media Studio, the Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability at Concordia University, the Centre for Teaching and Learning, the Access in the Making Lab at Concordia University. A special thanks to Access in the Making Lab (AIM) at Concordia for their continued efforts toward cultivating accessible spaces and practices.

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