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Reading List

Welcome to our Hub's Reading List! Here, you will find a collection of recommended resources related to decolonizing education. We are continuously growing this list, so we welcome any recommendations you may have. Thanks for helping us create a more equitable and inclusive educational environment.

Challenging Eurocentricity

Quijano, Anibal and Michael Ennis. (2000). Coloniality of Power, Eurocentrism and Latin America. Nepantla: Views from South 1(3):533-580. 

Vázquez, Rolando. (2011). Translation as Erasure: Thoughts on Modernity's Epistemic Violence, Journal of Historical Sociology 24 (1): 27-44. 

Mignolo, Walter D. (2007). Delinking: The Rhetoric of Modernity, the Logic of Coloniality and the Grammar of De-coloniality. Cultural Studies 21 (2). ('Epistemic delinking p. 3-6'. 'p.29-34').

Land and Place with Indigenous North Americans

Simpson, A. (2014). Mohawk interruptus: Political life across the borders of settler states. Durham; London: Duke University Press. p.7-19.

Silko, L., M. (1981). Storyteller. New York: U.S.A. p. 14-16, p. 48-55, p.150-54.

Coleman, D. (2016). Indigenous Place and Diaspora Space: Of Literalism and Abstraction. Settler Colonial Studies 6(1):1-17.

Folklore and the Imaginary with Indigenous and Diasporic Africans

Sertima, I. (1976). They Came Before Columbus. New York: Random House Publishing Group.p1-330. p. 1-10, 48-60.

Plaatje, S., T. (1930). Mhudi. Johannesburg: London. (“Tragedy and its Vendetta”), (“Mhudi and I”)
Gates, H. F. (2011). Life Beyond These Shores: African American History 1512-2008. New York: Knopf Random House. P.1-5.

Gates, Henry L. (1988). The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of Afro-American Literary Criticism. New York: Oxford University Press. (Introduction pp. 1-6)

Celebrating Nativity with Indigenous South and East Asians

Ashwar, M. (2015). Decolonizing What? Categories, Concepts, and the Enduring 'not yet.' Cultural Dynamics 27(2):1-13.

Sugisita, K. (2006). Japanese Modernity. Theory, Culture & Society 23(2–3):1-3.

Dhareshwar, V. (2012). Framing the Predicament of Indian Thought: Gandhi, Gira and Ethical Action. Asian Philosophy 22(2):1-19.


Carbado, Devon W., Kimberle Crenshaw, Vickie Mays and Barbara Tomlinson. (2013). Intersectionality: Mapping the Movements of a Theory. Du Bois Review 10(2):303-312. 

Collins, Patricia H. (2019). Intersectionality as a Critical Social Theory. Durham: Duke University Press. (Introduction: Part I, II, III, IV pp. 1-18).

Critical Race Studies

Asare, Janice. 2021. “The War on Critical Race Theory Continues and Some Call it Anti-White.” Forbes. Retrieved May 30th, 2021. ( critical-race-theory-continues-as-some-call-it-anti-white/?sh=3e2b472373a7)

Appiah, Kwame. 1985. "The Uncompleted Argument: Du Bois and The Illusion of Race." Critical Inquiry. 12 (1): 21–37.

Aylward, Carol. 1999. Canadian Critical Race Theory: Racism and the Law. Fernwood Publishing: Halifax.

Austin, David. 2010. "Narratives of Power: Historical Mythologies in Contemporary Quebec and Canada" Race and Class 52(1): 19-32.

Bachman, Brett. 2021. "DeSantis Signs Bill Requiring Students, Professors to Register Political Views with State". The Salon. Retrieved June 23rd, 2021.

Bell, Derrick. 1995. "Who's Afraid of Critical Race Theory" University of Illinois Law Review p.1-19. 

Bonds, Anne., and Joshua Inwood. (2015). Beyond White Privilege: Geographies of White Supremacy and Settler Colonialism. Progress in Human Geographies 40(6): 715-733. 

Carbado, D. W., K Crenshaw, V., Mays and B., Tomlinson. (2013). Intersectionality: Mapping the Movements of a Theory. Du Bois Review 10(2):303-312. 

Collins, P. H. 2004. Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, gender, and the new racism. Routledge. 

Collins, Patricia H. 2006. "New Commodities, New Consumers: Selling Blackness in a Global Marketplace." Ethnicities 6(3):297-317.

Collins, Patricia H. 2019. Intersectionality as a Critical Social Theory. Durham: Duke University Press. 

Cole, Desmond. 2020. The Skin We're In. London, England: Doubleday. 

Cooper, Afua. 2007. "Act of Resistance: Black Men and Women Engage Slavery in Upper Canada, 1793-1803". Ontario History 99(1):1-14. 

Delgado, Richard. 2009. "Liberal McCarthyism and the Origins of Critical Race Theory". Alabama Law Scholarly Commons 1(27):1-44.

Delgado, Richard, and Jean Stefancic. 2001.Critical Race Theory: An Introduction. New York: New York University Press, 2012.

Dei, George. 2018. "Black Like Me: Reframing Blackness for Decolonial Politics". Educational Studies 54(2): 1-27.

Dei, George. 1996. "Critical Perspectives in Antiracism: An Introduction" The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 33(3):1-21. 

Dubois, William E. 1885. "The Study of the N* Problems." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 11(1):1-23. 

Duncans, Garrett A. 2010. "Beyond Love: A Critical Race Ethnography of the Schooling of Adolescent Black Males." Equity & Excellence in Education 35(2):131-143.

Evans-Winters, Venus E., and Jennifer Esposito. 2010. "Other Peoples Daughters: Critical Race Feminism and Black Girls Education" Educational Foundations 24(1-2):1-14. 

Fanon, Franz.1986. Black Skin, White Masks. Chapter 5: The Fact of Blackness. Pluto Press: United Kingdom. 

Go, Julian. 2018. "Postcolonial Possibilities for the Sociology of Race.: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 4(4): 1-13.

Gordon, Lewis. 2015. What Fanon Said. New York: Fordham University Press.

Harris, Angela. (2012). Crossroads, Directions, and a New Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, Second Edition. New York; London: New York University Press. (pp. 32-36, 71-75, 87-105).

Harris, Cheryl. 1993. "Whiteness as Property" Harvard Law Review 106(8): 1-86.

Harris, A., F., Valdes and J., M. Culp. 2002. Crossroads, Directions, and a New Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, Second Edition. New York; London: New York University Press.

Harris, Adam. "The GOPs Critical Race Theory Obsession". The Atlantic. Retrieved May 7th, 2021.

Hall, Stuart. 1986. "Gramsci's Relevance for the Study of Race and Ethnicity". Journal of Communication Inquiry 10(2):5-27.

hooks, b. 1992. Black Looks Race and Representation. New York: Routledge.

Feith, Jessie. 2020. "A Timeline of Police Violence Against Racialized People in Montreal" Montreal Gazette. Retrieved July 2nd, 2020.

Jones, Alexandra. 2020. "Walmart Canada Faces Backlash for Selling All Lives Matter T-Shirt Online" CTV News. Retrieved May 28th, 2021. ( backlash-for-selling-all-lives-matter-t-shirt-online-1.4996706).

Kumasi, Kafi. 2011. Chapter seven, "Critical Race Theory and Education: Mapping A Legacy of Activism  and Scholarship" In Levinson, B. AU (Ed) Beyond Critique: Critical Social Theories and Education (pp 196-219). Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers. 

Ladson-Billings, Gloria. `1997. "Chapter seven: I Know Why This Does Not Feel Empowering – A Critical Race Analysis of Critical Pedagogy" Counterpoints 60 (1):127-141.

Leonardo, Zeus. 2004. "The Unhappy Marriage Between Marxism and Race Critique: Political Economy and the Production of Racialized Knowledge. Policy Futures in Education 2(3/4): 1-11. 

Loomba, Anna. 1998. Colonialism/Postcolonialism. New York: Routledge.

Lang, Cady. 2020. "President Trump Has Attacked Critical Race Theory. Here's What to Know About the Intellectual Movement". The Times. Retrieved May 28th, 2021. ( race-theory-explained/).

Luciani, Patrick. 2021 "Push back on the new theories breaching high school history classes". TheHub. Retrieved June 15th, 2020. 

Maynard, Robyn. 2017. Policing Black lives. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing Press. 

Meckler, Laura, and Hanna Natanson. 2021. "As Schools Expand Racial Equity Work, Conservatives See a New Threat in Critical Race Theory." Washington Post. Retrieved May 28th, 2021.


Mueller, Jennifer. 2018. "Advancing a Sociology of Ignorance in the Study of Racism and Racial Non-Knowing" Sociology Compass.

Sharpe, Christina. 2016. In the Wake: on Blackness and Being. Durham Duke University Press
Solomos, John and Les Back. 1995. "Marxism, Racism and Ethnicity". American Behavioral Scientist 38(3):1-9.

Somerville, Siobhan. 1994. "Scientific Racism and the Invention of the Homosexual Body". The Journal of the History of Sexuality 5(2): 243-266. 

Trevino, A., Michelle Harris, and Derron Wallace. 2008. "What's so Critical About Critical Race Theory." Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social and Restorative Justice 11(1):1-12. 

Rabaka, Reiland. 2011. "Revolutionary Fanonism: On Frantz Fanon's Modification of Marxism and Decolonization of Democratic Socialism" Socialism and Democracy 25(1):1-21.

Razack, S. 1998. Looking white people in the eye: Gender, race, and culture in courtrooms and classrooms. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Williams, P. J. 1991. The alchemy of race and rights. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.

Walcott, Rinaldo. 1997. Black like Who? Writing Black Canada. Toronto, Ont: Insomniac Press.

Walcott, Rinaldo. 2014. "The Book of Others: Canadian Multiculturalism, the State and its Political Legacies." Canadian Ethnic Studies 46(2):127-132

Decolonial Feminism and Queer Studies

Davis, Angela. (2012). The Meaning of Freedom: And Other Difficult Dialogues. San Francisco: City Lights Publishing. (chapter 9, pp. 1-12)

Hunt, Sarah, and Cindy Holmes. (2015). "Everyday Decolonization: Living a Decolonizing Queer Politics." Journal of Lesbian Studies 9(2): 154-172.

Lugones, Maria. (2010). “Toward a Decolonial Feminism”. Hypatia 25(4):742-759. 

Decolonizing the Classroom: Local and Global Realities

Daifallah, Yasmeen. (2019). The Politics of Decolonial Interpretation: Tradition and Method in Contemporary Arab Thought. American Political Science Review 113(3):810–23.

R. A. D'Souza and M., Pal. (2018). Encountering the post-colonial in academia. Journal Organizational Ethnography 7(3):361-372.

Sathorar, H., and D., Geduld. (2018). Towards Decolonising Teacher Education: Re-imagining the Relationship between Theory and Praxis". South African Journal of Education 38(4):1-13.

Freire, Paulo. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd. (Chapter 1: pp. 43-60).

M., Thembeka and L., Dreyer. (2018). Establishing Inclusive Schools: Teachers Perceptions of Inclusive Education Teams. South African Journal of Education 38(4):1-11.

Sathorar, H., and D., Geduld. (2018). Towards Decolonising Teacher Education: Re-imagining the Relationship between Theory and Praxis". South African Journal of Education 38(4):1-13.

De Lissovoy, Noah. (2010). Decolonial Pedagogy and the Ethics of the Global. Discourse Studies in the Cultural Politics Education 31(3):279–293. 

Ermine, Willie. (2007). The Ethical Space of Engagement. Indigenous Law Journal 6(1):193-203.

Stein, Sharon. (2016). Rethinking the Ethics of Internationalization: Five Challenges for Higher Education. UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies 12(2):1–25. 

Futurity: The Prospect of Decolonial Futures

Davis, Angela. (2012). The Meaning of Freedom: And Other Difficult Dialogues. San Francisco: City Lights Publishing. (chapter 12, pp 1-8).

Land, Clare. (2015). Decolonizing Solidarity: Dilemmas and Directions for Supporters of Indigenous Struggles. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (chapter 1 pp. 2-9 & chapter 4 pp. 1-15).

Kluttz, Jenalee. (2019). Unsettling Allyship, Unlearning and Learning Towards Decolonising Solidarity. Studies in the Education of Adults 52(1):1-19.

Sium, Amam. (2012). Towards the Tangible Unknown: Decolonization and the Indigenous Future. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education and Society 1(1):1-13.

Mendieta, Eduardo. (2020). Toward a Decolonial Feminist Imaginary: Decolonizing Futurity. Critical Philosophy of Race, 8(1-2):237-264.

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